Read our customer testimonials

Expierience the Ultrastik difference

A game changer for construction professionals.

Your essential solution for formwork and steel fixing tasks.

This innovative pick up tool seamlessly combines ease of use, safety, and efficiency.

"The Ultimate Magnetic Pickup Tool"

"The Ultimate Magnetic Pickup Tool"

Royal Plywood
Royal Plywood

Well worth the price tag.

We bought and used an ultra stick magnetic pick up tool on our seven story development at Redcliffe. We found it to be durable and much quicker than any other method we had used before to clean the tie wire and nails from the formwork soffit prior to concrete placement. Well worth the price tag.
Patrick Dooley
Blackstone Construct



Saves a lot of time.

Saves a lot of time.



Andrew Scott (Construction Manager)
Contrast Constructions

A far more viable option.

"This device created an effective and fast method of collecting and disposing tie wire and nails from the formwork soffit prior to concrete placement. Personally, I found the Ultrastik very useful and reliable. The magnet itself had no evident lack in power, removing the clippings from the device wasn’t an issue at all and overall, I found it to be a far more viable option than any other magnetic implements I’ve used prior".